Orc Killer
DAZ|Studio 4.5
Carrara 8.5 Pro
- Victoria 5
- Gregoria Hair
- The Executioner for Genesis
- Barbarian Boots for Genesis
- Svana for Genesis
- Way of the Shinobi
- Olivia for V5
- Undead Fiend
- Greater and Lesser Goblin
- Freak 5
- Genesis Creature Creator
- Barbarian Warlord for Genesis
- Legion for Genesis
- Curator Aquarum
- Carrara EnvironKit - Woodlands
- Carrara Skies Bundle
- Carrara Skies Lightdomes 2
The main figure in this image was originally posed in DAZ Studio. The scene was then transferred to Carrara for additional work and rendering. The scene, and the monster in the foreground, were all added in Carrara.
The leaping woman looks distinctly apprehensive, which is deliberate. I could have made her look fiercer, but I think that if you don't look at least a little worried when jumping on a large, heavily-armed orc, there's something wrong with you. I like to think that she'll win the fight anyway. Although she does seem to be going off wrong-footed, and she's not too well-armed or -armored for engaging in this kind of fight, so victory is far from guaranteed. Keep your fingers crossed.